the story of
lost intuitions

The mission

We design clothing that helps people remind that it is okay to create their own path. Lost Intuitions is a story about the voice within. The voice that often is neglected, not heard. This voice screams what our purpose is, what we should pursue, but we ignore it. We lose ourselves. Because of outside expectations, because of fear of what others might say.

The vision

We believe in a society where we dare to listen to that voice within, act upon it and express our gut feelings more openly. A society in which people take the time to hear each other out, to feel the humanity in each other's stories.

Our 'why'

Lost Intuitions was created, because we believe that we are greater when we follow our intuitions. We want our community to remember to reflect upon their inner voices when they wear our clothing. Lost Intuitions was designed with the thought of reconnecting with your instincts, with the idea of becoming the person we really want to be.

Don't. Get. Lost.

― Your inner voice
©2023 Lost Intuitions. All right reserved.